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Flexible Time Periods

When is the best time for active learning? It varies from person to person. Students will be more productive when they have more energy. Some are more energetic during the morning hours. At the same time, some are . very active during the evening hours. In short, students learn better at different times of the day. They will be able to concentrate more on studies when there are no distractions and disturbances.

We, at Meem, offer flex-time periods. Students can choose the best time for their learning.

Supporting the passion irrespective of the age

No Age Barrier

Supporting the passion irrespective of the age If you have passion for learning, our platform supports you irrespective of your age. A sixty-three old grandma from the US, along with her grandchild, enrolled for a learning program at meem a few months ago.

Meets unique needs by making an IEP

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Learning requirement is unique for every individual. So is their learning style. At Meem, we work together with parents and students as a team to assess the current need and skills of students to prepare an Individual Education Plan (IEP), which outlines the learning goals and outcomes for a specific period.

Fixing time-bounded learning goals help parents to track the progress along with inspiring their wards to meet the plan objectives.

Experience the art of teaching and imbibe the nectar of knowledge & wisdom

Systematic Pedagogical Methodologies

MeeM delivers the classes by the help of advanced and effective methodologies that arrest the interest of students and pave the way to make the learning practice much easier. The well trained tutors guide and mould the student as promising asset of tomorrow.

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